Saturday, 5 March 2011

I'm moving on.

Another short entry. The interview went pretty good. I messed up a typing test due to the fact my hands were freezing cold and the things I had to copy at an insane speed were fucking stupid. Other than that it was good.

As for the title "Im moving on", me and my girlfriend broke up today. Our relationship became "stale" I guess. It was the same stuff everytime we saw eachother, she wasnt willing to try new things or go to new places... Plus we've been arguing a shit tonne lately so I decided to put myself first and do what I wanted for a change.

I hope everyone is doing good, i'll get back to my usual long posts tomorrow!


  1. Hope you are doing ok. Go out and meet some people !

  2. hopefully you get this job to make up for what you lost.

  3. You sound pretty cool about it, so it must have been a good thing. Go get some other ladies!

  4. Sounds like it was for the better if it wasn't going anywhere. I had a similar experience a couple of months ago. It's more of a relief than anything.

  5. Im assuming you are young, there is plently of time to get a partner. Put your work first, get successful, then settle down.

  6. do what u gotta do brother, and good luck with the interview

  7. "she wasnt willing to try new things" we all know what that really means lol

  8. nice sounds like you should be a shoe in. hopefully you get it.

  9. A good relationship never gets stale. I've been married for almost 7 years and stale..nope. Always be willing to adapt, change and try new things. You'll find the one someday.

  10. wish you good luck getting that job!
