Thursday, 24 February 2011


My god, I feel like a bag of crap. My sleeping pattern has gone crazy these past few days. I was up till 7am with a friend of mine on skype literally falling asleep at my desk. I then woke up at 6pm that day. I went to bed at 2:30am and woke up at 3pm on the afternoon of the 23rd.

I went out to dinner with some family, had a good laugh and a great meal. Later that evening I headed to the Vue cinema complex with some friends to see "Paul". We found the film absolutely hysterical and I'd advise anyone who hasn't seen it to go watch it, its definitely worth the money.

I got in around 11:30pm, with a couple of 6 packs of Budweiser, some doritos, salsa dip & other munch for the Sabres game. The first game of the Pegula era and it was a hell of a game! Buffalo pulled out a 4-1 win and outplayed the Thrashers in every aspect of the game.

Its now 3:32am and im sat here wide awake wondering if theres anything else worth putting in here before I close it...

Oh - actually, check out this video. I heard this on the radio today and fell in love with this song, its incredible!

Thats all for now, goodnight all! <3


  1. That day you just went through would make most people feel like a bag of crap the next day.

  2. R1E4H3 - You mean make people feel like a bag of crap for the next week.

    I also love the song, not as good as journey though.

  3. I live off of 4 hours of sleep. It sucks.

  4. Yeah man I went to see Paul on the day it came out purely for Pegg, Frost and Rogen. Wicked movie.

  5. whats the longest anyone has stayed awake?

  6. @obi i've stayed awake 9 days before :P too old for that nonesense now, though.

    I'll be sure to check out that movie, I love funny movies. The song was pretty sweet, too. I can dig it.

  7. haha, that long can like destroy you!

  8. Sounds like a nice day, well compared to what I do.

  9. Doritos, Salsa and Beer.. well I know what i'm doing tonight lol. Nice post man.

  10. Did I write this? The song wasn't my cup of tea

  11. I actually haven't pulled an all-nighter and then successfully stayed awake through the next day in a long time. I think it's time to challenge myself!

  12. try some diphenhydramine to help you sleep better

  13. Nice story, glad you enjoyed your day

  14. @obi, I have stayed awake for 48 hours or so, but its because I don't sleep very well besides my own bed and I get hyper when I drink...

  15. I know a guy with a flexible sleeping pattern. Each day his waking up and going to sleep time moves +2 hours. So it takes 12 days for him to make a round.

  16. I've worked nights for years now so I can't even remember having a regular sleeping pattern. You just learn to go with it.

  17. Like the song. And I feel ya, my sleeping pattern is always screwed.

  18. Wow, your sleeping pattern is crazy

  19. every day i wake up 5 aclock in the morning unable to sleep again for at least half an hour

    feels bad

  20. It's 4:46AM while I post this. My sleeping pattern is fucked too.

  21. Whenever I can't sleep I just chain smoke and down a shot of crown royal. God I hate my life.

  22. Sleep is for the weak. Just kidding.

  23. I recently read that the average number of hours of sleep went from 8 -> 6, because people learned to live with less

  24. I hate feeling like shit, but sounds like you ended up having a decent night.

  25. For the sake of my college career I have to monitor my sleeping patterns, but its damn hard so I can definitely relate. weekends are the worst, I always manage to muck it up on weekends.

  26. I've found the best way to correct my sleeping pattern is to stay up all night, then all day and go to bed around 8ish. Then get up fairly early (10am or so). Then my sleeping schedule is set straight again.

  27. Write more blogs, bro!

  28. i know what you mean. I am worn out this week and i dont know why.

  29. If you have the free time and want to mess with your sleep schedule, check out the Ubermann sleep schedule. Not for those with normal job type hours.

  30. Man, I could really go for some budweisers right now! The worst is messing up your sleep schedule. I find you just have to stay up all night and then go to bed a few hours before you normally do to reset it.
